April’s Small Business Owners Meet- The Importance of Wellbeing as an Entrepreneur & a Handy Little Business Tool

Chloe Delaunay

As we all know working for yourself isn’t always easy so making sure we are on top form is crucial for keeping your business running at it’s best, so as part of April’s networking event I decided to organise a guest speaker to come in and help us make sure we’re on the right track.

For me, the main points I took from this were the importance of having a good morning routine to set you up for the day and switching off at least an hour before bed to help you relax and have a better quality of sleep-including getting away from social media, mobile phones and computer screens. Recommendations for a morning routine were to rise early, practise some form of meditation and do a little exercise. Monique (Health & Wellness Coach) also journals helping her to clear her head of clutter. Staying hydrated is a must and eating a healthy well-balanced diet is essential to keeping us fighting fit to deal with the pressures of entrepreneurial life.

Monique encouraged us to assess our beliefs around mind and body and asked us the following set of questions around each:

  • What are your current beliefs?
  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • Where can you do better?
  • What one small thing can you do tomorrow to improve you’re a) health b) brain/mind?

This was a really good opportunity to take time to think about lifestyle and where some changes need to be made.

If you would like further help from Monique, you can contact her at info@healthcoachmonique.com

In the second part of the evening I led a workshop on SWOT analysis for your business. A little intro for any of you new to SWOT – it’s a great tool used in business to assess where you are now, where you want to get to and the internal and external factors that can affect this.

We took a little time to assess different areas or projects in our businesses but of course we didn’t get chance to cover everything but the group members had a good chance to see how they can go about using this tool and took away practical advice on how to implement different changes.

For those of you wanting more info on SWOT analysis, stay tuned for my next post dedicated to the SWOT analysis.

In the meantime, here are a few snaps of April’s event.


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