How to Overcome Procrastination

Chloe Delaunay

So, starting a blog, it’s a complete unknown for me and I have no idea where to start!

But, it’s something I’ve been meaning to do and have managed to put off for a good while, which in a roundabout way has given me a great idea for my very first post – PROCRASTINATION.

Procrastination- what is it?

The act or habit of delaying or postponing something, In particular something needing immediate attention.

So, why do we procrastinate?

The honest answer is for different reasons, but taking a step back, procrastination is a useful tool to help understand how we feel. For me, I’m well aware that I’ve been putting off writing this blog because I don’t feel confident as a writer.

Procrastination reflects our vulnerability, confidence or sense of comfort with a situation; confidence and belief in ourselves or our abilities; or a complete fear of what will happen if we take this particular action. It is an insight into a limiting belief lurking there under the surface that we may or may not be aware of.

Limiting beliefs stop us moving forward, keep us in our comfort zone and are developed to protect us. These come in many shapes and forms and so are a topic for another time but I feel it’s important to mention they all have a similar output- they hold us back and cause procrastination.

How do we stop procrastinating?

Here are some top tips to get you started:

  • Just get going! Start anywhere, once you get underway you’ll feel a sense of achievement that will keep the ball rolling. You might even find you’re enjoying it!
  • Plan but don’t get lost in the planning stage- Planning is important but it’s easy to hide in. Make sure you have a tangible result at the end of each step. SMART targets can help here.
  • Break it down- tackling bite-sized manageable chunks will help to stop the feeling of being overwhelmed.
  • Celebrate success- reward yourself at the end of each phase.
  • Be aware of excuses- Excuses won’t get you anywhere. You can have one of two things Results or Reasons (excuses) but not both!
  • Accountability- if you find it hard being accountable find yourself an accountability partner or a coach to help with this.

If you would like more information or guidance on any of the ideas shared in this article, please get in touch.

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